Adelaide, Australia
Embarking Guests
For voyages that depart from Adelaide, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- International Flights: 3 hours and 45 minutes prior to ship's departure.
- Domestic Flights: 3 hours and 15 minutes prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages that arrive in Adelaide, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- International Flights: 5 hours and 15 minutes after ship's arrival.
- Domestic Flights: 3 hours and 45 minutes after ship's arrival.
Anchorage (Whittier), United States
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Whittier, the latest flight arrival into Anchorage:
- All Flights: 5 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Whittier:
- All Flights: 10 hours 30 minutes after ship's arrival.
For Guests on the Scenic Rail transfer, the earliest flight departure from Anchorage is 1:00 pm.
Athens (Piraeus), Greece
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Athens:
- All Flights: 3 hours and 30 minutes prior to ship's depature.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Athens:
- All Flights: 5 hours after ship's arrival.
Auckland, New Zealand
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Auckland, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- International Flights: 3 hours and 30 minutes prior to ship's departure.
- Domesitc Flights: 3 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Auckland, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- International Flights: 4 hours and 30 minutes after ship's arrival
- Domesitc Flights: 2 hours and 30 minutes after ship's arrival.
Barcelona, Spain
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Barcelona, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- 3 hours and 30 minutes prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Barcelona, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- 4 hours and 15 minutes after ship's arrival.
Boston, United States
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Boston, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- All Flights: 4 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Boston, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- All Flights: 5 hours after ship's arrival.
Brisbane, Australia
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Brisbane, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- 3 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Brisbane, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- 4 hours and 30 minutes after ship's arrival.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Buenos Aires, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- 3 hours and 30 minutes prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Buenos Aires:
- at 5:00 am, the latest flight arrival is 7 hours after ship's arrival.
- at 7:00 am, the latest flight arrival is 5 hours after ship's arrival.
Copenhagen, Denmark
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Copenhagen, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- 2 hours and 30 minutes prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Copenhagen, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- 4 hours and 25 minutes from ship's arrival.
For voyages arriving in Copenhagen and the ship overnights in port, the earliest flight departure is 9:30 am on day two.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Dubai:
- at 11:00 pm, the latest flight arrival is 6 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Dubai, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- 4 hours from ship's arrival.
Fort Lauderdale (Port Everglades), United States
Embarking Guests
For flights arriving to Ft. Lauderdale, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- International Flights: 3 hours prior to ship's departure.
- Domesitc Flights: 2 hours prior to ship's departure.
For flights arriving to Miami, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- International Flights: 5 hours prior to ship's departure.
- Domesitc Flights: 3 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For flights departing from Ft. Lauderdale, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- International Flights: 5 hours after ship's arrival.
- Domesitc Flights: 4 hours after ship's arrival.
For flights departing from Miami, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- International Flights: 6 hours after ship's arrival.
- Domesitc Flights: 5 hours after ship's arrival.
Hobart, Australia
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Hobart, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- International Flights: 3 hours prior to ship's departure.
- Domesitc Flights: 2 hours and 30 minutes prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Hobart, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- International Flights: 5 hours after ship's arrival.
- Domesitc Flights: 3 hours and 30 minutes after ship's arrival.
Honolulu, United States
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Honolulu:
- Honolulu Airport: 4 hours prior to ship's departure for domestic flights and 5 hours prior to ship's departure for international flights.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Honolulu:
- Honolulu Airport: 5 hours after ship's arrival for domestic flights and 6 hours after ship's arrival for international flights.
Dover, United Kingdom
Princess offers transfers from London's Heathrow and Gatwick airports.
Embarking Guests
Heathrow airport for London (Dover), the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- International Flights: 5 hours prior to ship's departure
Gatwick airport for London (Dover), the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- International Flights: 4 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
Heathrow airport for London (Dover), the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- International Flights: 8 hours after ship's arrival.
Gatwick airport for London (Dover), the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- International Flights: 7 hours after ship's arrival.
Southampton, United Kingdom
Princess offers transfers from London's Heathrow and Gatwick airports.
Embarking Guests
Gatwick airport for London (Southampton), the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- International Flights: 5 hours and 30 minutes prior to ship's departure
Heathrow airport for London (Southampton), the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- International Flights: 5 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
Gatwick airport for London (Southampton), the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- International Flights: 7 and 30 minutes hours after ship's arrival.
Heathrow airport for London (Southampton), the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- International Flights: 7 hours after ship's arrival.
Los Angeles, United States
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing San Pedro:
- Domestic Flights: 3 hours prior to ship's departure
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in San Pedro:
- at 6:15 am, the earliest flight departure 6 hours and 15 minutes after ship's arrival for domestic flights.
- at 7:00 am, the earliest flight departure 5 hours and 30 minutes after ship's arrival for domestic flights.
Melbourne, Australia
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Melbourne, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- 3 hours and 45 minutes prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Melbourne, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- 5 hours and 30 minutes after ship's arrival.
New York, United States
Princess offers transfers from New York's John F. Kennedy and LaGuardia airports and New Jersey's Newark airport.
Embarking Guests
For voyages that depart from New York City, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- LaGuardia: 3 hours prior to ship's departure for domestic flights 4.5 hours for international flights.
- John F. Kennedy: 4 hours prior to ship's departure for domestic flights 5.5 hours for international flights.
- Newark: 4 hours prior to ship's departure for domestic flights 5.5 hours for international flights.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in New York City, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- LaGuardia: 6 hours after ship's arrival for both domestic and international flights.
- John F. Kennedy: 7 hours after ship's arrival for both domestic and international flights.
- Newark: 7 hours after ship's arrival for both domestic and international flights.
Orlando (Port Canaveral), United States
Embarking Guests
Orlando International Airport: 3 hours prior to ship's departure for domestic flights and 5 hours prior to ship's departure for international flights. Transportation service will be provided from:
Orlando International Airport between 10:00 am and 1:30 pm.
Disembarking Guests
Departing flights must not be any earlier than:
Orlando International Airport: All flights - 6 hours after ship's arrival
Perth (Fremantle), Australia
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Fremantle, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- 3 hours and 45 minutes prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Fremantle, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- 5 hours and 30 minutes after ship's arrival.
Quebec, Canada
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Fremantle, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- For voyages that overnight in Quebec City and depart on day two at 5:00 pm, the latest flight arrival on day one is 10:00 pm.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Fremantle, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- For voyages that overnight in Quebec City and arrive on day one at 7:00 am, the earliest flight departure on day two is 8:00 am, however the preferred earliest flight departure is 10:00 am.
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Civitavecchia, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- 4 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Civitavecchia, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- 6 hours after ship's arrival.
San Francisco, United States
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing San Francisco, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- 3 hours prior to ship's departure for domestic flights.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in San Francisco, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- 5 hours after ship's arrival for domestic flights.
Santiago (San Antonio), Chile
Embarking Guests
The latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- Valparaiso: 4 hours prior ship's departure.
- San Antonio: 4 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
The earliest flight departures are as follows:
- Valparaiso: 7 hours and 30 minutes after ship's arrival.
- San Antonio: 7 hours and 30 minutes after ship's arrival.
Seattle, United States
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Seattle, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- 3 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Seattle, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- 4 hours after ship's arrival.
Please note, the above flight guidelines are for Guests sailing on a cruise roundtrip from Seattle.
Singapore, Singapore
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Singapore, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- All Flights: 4 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Singapore, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- All Flights: 6 hours after ship's arrival.
Sydney, Australia
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Sydney, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- International Flights: 3 hours and 30 minutes prior to ship's departure.
- Domestic Flights: 3 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages that arrive in Sydney, the earliest flight departures are as follows::
- International Flights: 5 hours after ship's arrival.
- Domestic Flights: 3 hours and 30 minutes after ship's arrival.
Vancouver, Canada
Embarking Guests
For voyages departing Vancouver, the latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- 3 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
For voyages arriving in Vancouver, the earliest flight departures are as follows:
- 4 hours and 30 minutes after ship's arrival.
Tokyo (Yokohama), Japan
Embarking Guests
The latest flight arrivals are as follows:
- Haneda Airport: 4 hours prior to ship's departure.
- Narita Airport: 5 hours prior to ship's departure.
Disembarking Guests
The earliest flight departures are as follows:
- Haneda Airport: 5 hours after ship's arrival.
- Narita Airport: 6 hours after ship's arrival.