See the Best of China on an Asian Cruisetour

The Terracotta Warriors from the Qin dynasty

Vacationers in need of a once-in-a-lifetime vacation that takes you to the far corners of the Earth, you should embark on a cruisetour paired with an Asian cruise to explore the wonders of China. Not only will you have a chance to explore one of the world's most populous countries, but you'll be immersed in one of the fastest growing modern economies. That's not to mention the generations of history buried throughout China that are just waiting to be unearthed.

So for a taste of the East, consider planning your next getaway to visit the marvels of ancient and modern China. Here are some of the incredible places you can expect to encounter on your cruise or cruisetour from Princess Cruises.

One of the oldest and most historic cities in all of China, Xian has earned its name as The Eternal City. Princess Cruises offers a premium cruisetour to explore the wonders of Xi'an. The city is located right along the Yellow River Basin and is a valuable location in ancient Chinese culture. Perhaps the city's most well-known claim to fame is the discovery of the Terracotta Warriors, which are remnants of the Qin Dynasty. These impressive figures include life-size soldiers and horses that were buried in great numbers beneath the Earth along with countless other treasures and artifacts.

The Great Wall
So impressive that it can be seen by astronauts from space, the Great Wall of China truly is one of the world's greatest man-made structures. Spanning approximately 4,000 miles along the northern border of China just outside Beijing, the Great Wall was constructed over many generations of Chinese dynasties as a safeguard against invading Mongol armies. Millions of workers died to complete this ancient structure, and it has been maintained as a national treasure ever since.

A little known fact is that the Great Wall is actually comprised of several different walls built by various rulers of China. The most intact and recognizable section is that built by the First Emperor of the Qin dynasty, Qin Shi Huang, which was completed between 220 and 200 B.C.

Summer Palace
Though far more recent than the sites mentioned above, visiting the Summer Palace will still take you into the history of China. Initially known as the Garden of Clear Ripples, the Summer Palace of Beijing was built in 1750, but was destroyed by colonial British and French forces during the 19th century. This wouldn't be the last time the palace was destroyed, but it has been continually rebuilt in the style of classical Chinese architecture and stands as one of the most beautiful sites in modern day Beijing.

To escape completely® on a cruisetour paired with an Asian cruise that takes you to the most impressive and historically significant regions of China, trust Princess Cruises to provide you with a premium adventure into the East. View Asia cruises.