Traditional Japanese Food You'll Find in Tokyo

When people think of food in Japan, they seem to always think of sushi being the main dish served. Traditional Japanese food is much more than that, and you might be surprised to learn about how diverse the options are. There's something for everyone, and be sure to try as many as you can!


Something you'll most likely find on every breakfast table in Japan is natto which is a nutritious meal that consists mainly of soy beans and served over rice. It's steam cooked, and then fermented with Bacillus subtilis, a healthy bacteria. Anyone who hasn't grown up with natto may find it an acquired taste. It has a strong odor and flavor, and might be a bit slimy for some people.


A favorite among locals and tourists alike is tonkatsu which is a breaded and deep-fried pork cutlet. Many out-of-towners will choose this instead of sushi or raw seafood as it's warm, crunchy, and can be dipped into all sorts of sauces. It's usually served with cabbage, and there's even a special sauce available to complement it, which is usually sweet, fruity, and savory.

Saba Shioyaki

If you like seafood, you may want to check out this Japan favorite. Saba shioyaki is salt-grilled mackerel, which is served with lemon. It's widely caught in the waters surrounding the island and is an inexpensive seafood option. This blue fish manages to be flaky and firm at the same time. It's also a very healthy option, as it boasts omega fatty acids, essential oils, minerals, and vitamins.


A popular breakfast option is tamagoyaki which is a "rolled omelet." This simple dish consists of eggs, sugar, and dashi soup stock. While it's unlike the traditional American omelet style, you can still add all types of flavors, fillings, and ingredients to them. It can be cooked in a regular frying pan, but most Japanese people use a square tamagoyaki pan so that they can cut it up into square-shaped servings.


Served at festivities in Tokyo, takoyaki is octopus cooked in a wheat flour-based batter with pickled ginger, tempura flakes, and green onion, then cooked in a special takoyaki pan. It might be different, but seafood lovers may make it a staple when visiting Japan.

Ready to plan your visit to Japan and sample some traditional Japanese food? Discover the Japan travel and cruise that's perfect for you.